现代陶艺系列《古宋四艺 No.1》
现代陶艺系列《古宋四艺 No.2》
Guo Xiaoying graduated from Jingdezhen Ceramics Academy with excellent academic performance in 1990s. Then she kept on educating the students in the high schools and learning more knowledge. She dares to explore new practices and theories in the ceramic art design. She takes herself as a ceramic artist and good teacher. The artworks displayed here present her inheritance to the excellent traditional ceramic art, but also show her search in the new contemporary language of ceramic art. We can see the deep root of traditional ceramic art in her artworks,yet also the flourishing modern impact of new expression.
现代陶艺系列《古宋四艺 No.3》
现代陶艺系列《古宋四艺 No.4》
现代陶艺 《觅》
郭小影于20 世纪90 年代初以优异成绩毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院。大学毕业后仍不忘深造提升自己,一方面在高校尽心尽责教书育人,另一方面对知识孜孜以求,严格要求自己,在理论与实践中不断学习,不断提高,与时俱进。2018 年她到中国艺术研究院作为我的访问学者深造访学,谦虚好学,刻苦认真,在艺术修养和陶瓷艺术创作上有很大的提高,尤其是在陶瓷艺术设计中敢于探索,勇于创新,进行了很多有意义的新尝试。她说既要搞好陶艺创作,出好作品,还要做一位教书育人的好老师。希望小影继续努力寻找自己的表达方式,致力于现代陶艺的探索,沉潜独得,在未来的艺术道路上取得更加可喜的进步。
现代陶艺 《和合》
Guo Xiaoying serves as the associate professor of Zhangzhou Polytechnic Academy, academic leader of product art design,visiting professor of Minnan Normal University, senior industrial artist, ceramic art master of Fujian Province, and the celebrity of Fujian industrial art. She graduated from the fine art design major of Jingdezhen Ceramics Academy in 1992. She had obtained more than 20 national patents for her academic achievements. Her papers were published on various academic journals home and aboard. Her ceramic artworks were collected by collectors in China, Japan, Switzerland, and Bolivia.
1992 年毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院陶瓷美术设计专业,2012 年赴清华大学美术学院“全国陶艺创作与设计高研班”研修学习,2018 ~2019 年作为朱乐耕教授的访问学者赴中国艺术研究院访问学习。
科研成果先后获得国家授权专利20 多项,学术论文先后发表于国内各类学术刊物,陶艺作品先后获得国家和省级金、银、铜等奖项数十个,并被业界朋友和国际友人收藏。
郭小影不仅从事教学与科研工作以及大量的陶艺创作,还致力于发展中国家的援外授课项目,2012 年至今共参与了10 多期援外授课任务。
现代陶艺《金壶净心》现代陶艺系列《人生三部曲·新出之犊、窥豹之管、包容之度》现代陶艺系列《古宋四艺 No.1》现代陶艺系列《古宋四艺 No.2》Guo Xiaoying graduated from Jingdezhen Ceramics Academy with excellent academic performance in 1990s. Then she kept on educating the students in the high schools and learning more knowledge. She dares to explore new practices and theories in the ceramic art design. She takes herself as a ceramic artist and good teacher. The artworks displayed here present her inheritance to the excellent traditional ceramic art, but also show her search in the new contemporary language of ceramic art. We can see the deep root of traditional ceramic art in her artworks,yet also the flourishing modern impact of new expression.现代陶艺系列《古宋四艺 No.3》现代陶艺系列《古宋四艺 No.4》现代陶艺 《觅》郭小影于20 世纪90 年代初以优异成绩毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院。大学毕业后仍不忘深造提升自己,一方面在高校尽心尽责教书育人,另一方面对知识孜孜以求,严格要求自己,在理论与实践中不断学习,不断提高,与时俱进。2018 年她到中国艺术研究院作为我的访问学者深造访学,谦虚好学,刻苦认真,在艺术修养和陶瓷艺术创作上有很大的提高,尤其是在陶瓷艺术设计中敢于探索,勇于创新,进行了很多有意义的新尝试。她说既要搞好陶艺创作,出好作品,还要做一位教书育人的好老师。希望小影继续努力寻找自己的表达方式,致力于现代陶艺的探索,沉潜独得,在未来的艺术道路上取得更加可喜的进步。今天在这里展示的系列作品,既体现了她对优秀传统陶瓷艺术的传承,又体现了作者走出传统,探索当代陶瓷艺术新时代语言的表达。其作品《觅》《金壶净心》《和合》,形神兼备,创作精神游弋于传统与现代之间。作品《人生三部曲》《古宋四艺》,则更侧重于观念的表达与现代陶瓷艺术语言的探索。在小影的陶瓷艺术作品中,我们既看到她深扎在传统中的根,又看到了从中开出的欣欣向荣的当代之叶。现代陶艺 《和合》Guo Xiaoying serves as the associate professor of Zhangzhou Polytechnic Academy, academic leader of product art design,visiting professor of Minnan Normal University, senior industrial artist, ceramic art master of Fujian Province, and the celebrity of Fujian industrial art. She graduated from the fine art design major of Jingdezhen Ceramics Academy in 1992. She had obtained more than 20 national patents for her academic achievements. Her papers were published on various academic journals home and aboard. Her ceramic artworks were collected by collectors in China, Japan, Switzerland, and Bolivia.郭小影,漳州科技职业学院副教授,产品艺术设计专业带头人,闽南师范大学客座教授。高级工艺美术师,福建省陶瓷艺术大师,福建省工艺美术名人(政府荣誉称号)。福建省学校美育工作专家,福建省文化艺术行业职业教育指导委员会委员。1992 年毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院陶瓷美术设计专业,2012 年赴清华大学美术学院“全国陶艺创作与设计高研班”研修学习,2018 ~2019 年作为朱乐耕教授的访问学者赴中国艺术研究院访问学习。科研成果先后获得国家授权专利20 多项,学术论文先后发表于国内各类学术刊物,陶艺作品先后获得国家和省级金、银、铜等奖项数十个,并被业界朋友和国际友人收藏。郭小影不仅从事教学与科研工作以及大量的陶艺创作,还致力于发展中国家的援外授课项目,2012 年至今共参与了10 多期援外授课任务。援外课堂援外课堂
文章来源:《教书育人》 网址: http://www.jsyrzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1228/827.html